Sunday, May 6, 2012

Caps and Gowns and Caps and Gowns

Friday was a very busy day for me! I had not one, but two graduations to attend. First, my best friend graduated with her BA in Sociology from Arizona State University. That was at 8, and then immediately after that I headed straight for Grand Canyon University, where my mom graduated with her Master of Nursing Leadership. My grandparents are in town from Washington to celebrate with us, so we had a long family lunch afterwards. Oh, and did I mention I was running on zero sleep? I chose instead to see The Avengers at midnight with my sister. So yeah, needless to say I was a little exhausted. I went home after lunch and took a lovely 3-hour nap!


I wanted to be dressy but comfortable, so I picked this lovely little summery dress and flat sandals, since there was a lot of walking from parking lots to ceremonies and restaurants. It was a really nice warm day out, so I didn’t need a sweater! PS—how terrible is my farmer’s tan?! My work uniform consists of a polo with sleeves that hit at the elbow, which means that I desperately need to even out my arms!

Dress: Gap Outlet. Shoes: Target.

Earrings: Target.

Here’s our little family after my mom graduated! Look at my cute scholarly mom with her cap and gown…and her honors cord! Smart lady.


  1. Congrats to your mom and friend! I looove those shoes! I cant wait till my graduation but it is wayyy too long till that!

    1. Haha me too...sadly I have about 2 more years to go!
