Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Late Start

Today was just one of those days.

See, I had this big meeting scheduled this morning that I've been pretty nervous about for the last week or so. I had a lot of preparation to do, as I was leading it, and I really wanted to make a big impression--dress nice, look professional, the whole lot.

Blazer: Maurice's

So imagine how I felt this morning when I overslept and woke up 13 minutes before I needed to leave for work...

Yep, it was a moment of panic, followed by 20 solid minutes of rushing. I pinned my hair back, slapped on some foundation, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and ran out the door. I even took my mascara, eye shadow, and eyebrow pencil with me and did it at my desk when I got to work!

Skirt: Old Navy

All in all, I only got to work 4 minutes late, and had plenty of time to get my head in the game and prep before the meeting. And guess what? It went great!

Okay, I may or may not have sweat through my blazer a bit (it's been so hot here this week!) but other than that...it was great!

Shirt: Old Navy

It's also been a crazy day weather-wise, too! It was so windy out (hence the change of location) with high tree pollens, which had my allergies going crazy. But I made it through the day, and I think I managed to still look professional. Not bad for a rushed morning!

Earrings: Target. Watch: Target

I think I might just set an extra backup alarm for tomorrow morning...just in case, you know?

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