Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fancy Pants

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m currently jobless. It has actually been pretty nice not working all semester, but recently I’ve been getting a little worried, as I’ve had zero luck with the job search. So the other day when I got a call about a job interview, I was ecstatic! The interview was this morning at one of Arizona’s most well-known luxury resorts (We’re talking about the place where the president stays when he visits Arizona!) so I knew I had to dress to impress! I wanted to go in and say, “Luxury? Yeah? Look up the word ‘luxury’ in the dictionary and you’ll see a picture of me in this outfit!”
I didn’t say that, in case you were wondering… :)
I was meeting my interviewers in the spa, which is located right next to the pool, so it felt pretty strange click-clacking by the pool in my heels where most people were in bathing suits and sandals. The funniest part was when I showed up in my fancy-schmancy ensemble, and the guys that were interviewing me were wearing polos and cargo shorts. That is actually pretty exciting to me, because it’s been a long time since I’ve had a job where I can be casual like that! Most of my job experience is in the beauty industry, where I had to show up everyday with my hair and makeup looking perfect, which means that the moment I stopped working in the industry, I pretty much cut down to wearing serious makeup (the kind that takes more than 10 minutes to apply) for only special occasions!
Top: Charlotte Russe. Skirt: Thrifted.
Technically the skirt was a hand-me-down from my sister, but I’ll qualify that as thrifting :)
IMG_8139 Watch: Guess (a gift from my parents). Ring: Target.
I got this ring about 5 years ago at Target. It was one of their “nicer” jewelry pieces (the kind that doesn’t turn your finger green and change to copper after a while) and I wear it almost daily. Pretty impressive for something I got on clearance for about 10 bucks!
IMG_8142 Shoes: Madeline Stuart (via Ross).
By the way—apparently this outfit did the trick…I got a call about two minutes after I left the interview from the HR department offering me the job! Success!!


  1. Thats amazing news! Good outfit choice then! Do you mind If i borrow it if I have a job interview? haha
