Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blue and Grey!

I love showers. Not wash-your-hair showers or rain showers (although I do love those, too!) but baby showers and bridal showers! I like them for two reasons: 1. You get to celebrate a new bundle of joy or marriage with your friends, and 2. You get to dress up! An all-female event like a shower is bound to be a girly occasion, so naturally I get excited. I mean, I am the girl who named her blog “Dresses and Curls”, after all!

Today I got to celebrate my friend Niki at her bridal shower. I’m also excited for NIki’s wedding, because wedding dancing is my #1 favorite thing in the entire world (that may be a bit of an overstatement.) Her wedding is in the end of May—a little less than two months away—but I already have my outfit planned. There will be a blog post, of course—and I’ve already promised the bride she gets to be a guest star in that post!

Top: Old Navy. Skirt: Old Navy.

I’ve had this top for ages, and it’s one of those trusty ones that you don’t ever want to get rid of. It’s a bit big on me, but tucked into this skirt it’s kind of perfect, because it billows a little at the top!


And the skirt…I am in love with it! This baby was only $4.97 on clearance at Old Navy. I’ve had my eye on it for quite a while, and I’ve watched it drop from $20 to $10, but I kept putting it back on the rack. When I went there the other night and saw the price tag, I knew it was meant to be! Sorry I ever doubted you, you beautiful skirt!

Shoes: Thrifted.


  1. Ive never been to a shower like that haha but i do love wedding. and tha skirt! wow.
